Each character has various stats, including level. Character stats improve by leveling up, stopping on a Growth Square, or interacting with other characters on Event Squares. Bosses placed by Monokuma and monster battles triggered by Battle Squares will impede the player’s path along the way. Talent Squares grant Talent Fragments, which grant characters new skills. Hell Pie Players will also need to acquire weapons and armor at shops and treasure chests as well as utilize cards featuring useful effects to their advantage. A Battle Mode can be played separately from the Battle Squares found in the boardgame. Develop characters and form a party of up to four members and take on the 200-floor Tower of Despair where Monokuma-type monsters await. In the Tower of Despair, enemies attack in waves, and the player is rewarded with Monokuma Medals upon victory. Players need to increase their characters’ levels while learning skills and gearing up their characters in order to emerge victorious.